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Tools & GSE

ODS stocks high-grade handheld as well powered tools such as torque wrenches, socket ,screw drivers , connectors, machine-powered IMPACT torque tightening tools, mechanical & electronic torque wrenches and testers, chisels, pipe-cutters, screwdrivers, pliers, hammers, VDE insulated tools, bodywork tools, workshop trolleys and tool assortments, special tools for the aerospace industry.

ODS offer a wide range of airport support equipment, including aircraft pushback tractors, baggage towing tractors, conveyer type belt loaders, 400-Hz ground power units, turbine and diesel powered jet air starts, portable air conditioners, 28 V DC power supplies, tripod jacks, military vehicles, and much more.

GSE Products List

Jacks & Stabilizing StandsTowbars & TugsParking & Mooring
Air Servicing trolleysAir ConditioningGround Power Units
Fuel test BenchesHydraulic Power Test  Benches and Hydraulic Cart Ice & Rain Protection cover
Landing GearFuselage Servicing ladder and Jacks Aircraft  Parking and mooring Systems 
Engine Starting Trolley Aircraft and engine  Tooling 
Airbus A-300 to A-380 Maintenance stairs / platformBoeing 737,747,757,767,777,787, Maintenance stairs / platform Aircraft maintenance / spaceial equipments / service equipments
Airport Equipments
Coupling / hoses Transportation cart passangers stairs
Crew stairs Commuter roof Accessories
